Montag, 27. Juni 2011

Six Factors Affect Male Fertility

Recently, there is a trend that male fertility and the number of sperm continues to drop. People are under great work pressure and lives in unhealthy life styles, which affects the men' fertility. Geneally, it is influnced by the following factors.

Drugs and radiation

Frequent use of sedative, antitumor medicine, chemical medicines and hormonal drugs can cause sperm growth disorder. A lot of radioactive rays can cause sperm chromosome aberration. Therefore, those men who are in childbearing ages should avoid contact with a large amount of harmful materials for a long time.

Cigarette and acohols

Smoking and acoholic drinking are great enemies of sperms. As men are quite sensitive to nicotines in cigarettes which can kill sperms. According to a study, sex hormones in men's blood will increase once men quit smoking.

Generally, the number of sperm of smokers is smaller than that of nonsmokers while the number of abnormal sperms is larger. If an adult male smokes 30 cigarettes every day, the survival rate of his sperm is only 40% and his sperm deformity rate increases. Thus, smoking one of the factors of infertility.

Alcohol not only lessens ability of male sex organs, but also lead to fetus malformation or stunted growth. So teenagers should keep away from alcohol and tobacco. As for adults, they should make contol of the amount of smoking and acohol if they would not quit them.


Ample nutrition is a necessity to sperm growth. Some men are picky about food, eat junk food or few animal food, such as meat, eggs, fish and dairy products, etc. As a result, they will lack of zinc element and cause sperm number decrease greatly or lose their fertility.

High temperature

Sperm growth needs low temperature, or sperms would die. If a man love hot water bath badly, his sperms may decrease which may cause infertility.

Mental pressure

Depression and long-term instable mood can affect nervous system and endocrine function, causing testicular disorder or infertility.

All in all, men's fertility can be influnced by physical and mental health. For sake of marriage bliss, you need to lead a heathy way of living.

Montag, 28. Februar 2011

Lose weight quickly and easily

After four months of buy Xenical (Orlistat 120mg) tablet insurance broker Cyril Chaplin has lost 11 kgs. And although he was very pleased with the reduction in weight from 106 kilograms to 95, this is just a small bonus, the resulting 57-miletnim father of three children. "I'm interested in Xenical not so much because of the ability to lose weight, but because of the fact that, being a diabetic, who sits on insulin, the natural fats that come along with food, my condition worsened," - he says.

"Because Xenical reduces the intake of fat in the body by 30%, I came to the conclusion that it is suitable for my situation." The past 10 years, Cyril had diabetes, 2 nd degree of gravity, and the last 3 years he was dependent on insulin. Before the program begins with buy Xenical no prescription needed, he used 85 units of insulin a day. Now he was able to reduce daily intake to 65 units. "I really helped that the body is now acting less fat."

Weight loss was a pleasant side effect of Xenical Cyril, but so was his, and lowering cholesterol. "I've always been a fairly high level of cholesterol. Obviously, this is a hereditary problem and the diet did not produce some major changes in this regard", - said Cyril. At one stage, indicator of cholesterol jumped to 23. I turned to a specialist and he told me: "This can not be. You have a year were dying."

Was carried out medical treatment and record levels of cholesterol dropped to 8. "When I started taking Xenical, its level dropped to 4.7. Stopped taking Xenical, Cyril did not change radically their newly formed habits. "I've always tried to stick to a diet relatively low in fat," - he says. "But the fact is that whatever you eat, even bread, there will still contain a certain amount of fat - you just can not get rid of it. That's why a program with Xenical (Orlistat 120mg) pills led to such dramatic changes in my case."

The work of Cyril makes him wander throughout New Zealand. "Always sit on their suitcases," - he says. "This is not the best way of life for people seeking to lose weight and do some right things. But Xenical has helped him maintain a healthy lifestyle, despite such an unstable lifestyle." He serves as a constant reminder that we should be prudent and eat regularly. "

Although the total weight loss was significant, the pounds do not disappear overnight. This process was rather slow and imperceptible to Cyril, until one day he stood on the scales and exclaimed: "Oh my God!". Cyril said: "I noticed that my pants have become more free, jacket has become easier to be removed, and a collar shirt is not as tightly presses. Well, and other little things like that."

Friends, it seems, also have not noticed the gradual reduction of its weight, but Lorraine, a 33-year-old wife of Cyril, I saw improvement, particularly in how her husband looks. "Personally, I think even my mind is revived - perhaps because I do not have to now carry so much dead weight from place to place. I became more aware that I have long had an excess weight. I have gradually come to the stage where all done more deliberately and with greater motivation. "

Cyril now pays more attention to physical exercises, walking, for example, in the mornings whenever the opportunity arises. As a businessman, Cyril used to set goals, but more than ever he did not have to do it for himself. Now, however, he ponders how to set for itself one or two problems in reducing weight. "And I know I'll do them too."

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Six Factors Affect Male...
Recently, there is a trend that male fertility and...
lorlistat120 - 27. Jun, 08:36
Lose weight quickly and...
After four months of buy Xenical (Orlistat 120mg) tablet...
lorlistat120 - 28. Feb, 20:34





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